We’re Ready.
Time to Vote.
Chicago’s Election Day was Februrary 28, 2023
Chicago’s Runoff Election Day is April 4, 2023
Chicago Run-Off Election
Vote Thru April 4, 2023
Chicago Run-Off Election ★★★★ Vote Thru April 4, 2023 ★★★★
1st Ward Early Voting Sites
Or any of the 51 early voting locations.
Mail-in ballot? Use drop boxes here.
West Town Branch Chicago Public Library
1615 W Chicago Ave
Located in historic Goldblatts Building
Bucktown-Wicker Park Chicago Public Library 1701 N. Milwaukee Ave
In Ward 32, but may be closest for Logan Square and Wicker Park 1st Ward residents
On April 4 Run-Off Election Day:
1st Ward Polling Locations
You must vote at your registered local precinct polling place (check your address) OR one of 51 voting sites across the city.

Vote By Mail
Mail-In Ballot
Signed & Sealed & Delivered!
Request by March 30, 2023
Return by Run Off Election Day April 4, 2023
Completed ballots can be mailed via USPS at any time through election day, but drop boxes will get your vote counted more quickly.
Drop boxes are available at early voting or super sites even on election day. (all dropbox locations)
Drop boxes are not available at local precinct polling places on election day. Instead, visit an early voting site or an available supersite. You may still vote in person at your local polling place, but you must surrender your mail-in ballot & vote on a new ballot.
Did your vote count? Check here to get confirmation your mail in ballot was received and counted.

Ward Boundaries Have Changed
Check Your Address:
Ward Map Questions
Starting in May 2023, the 1st Ward boundaries will change. This happens every ten years, after the city council votes on a new map for updated population. The February 28, 2023 election uses the new boundaries.
No! Wards are the 50 political sections that make the city council. The 1st Ward boundaries include parts of Wicker Park, Logan Square, West Town, Palmer Square, Ukrainian Village, East Village, Noble Square, and Pulaski Park.
You will vote within the new ward boundaries for the city (municipal) elections on Feb 28, 2023, and possible run-off elections on April 5.
No, the ward map is drawn by a political process in Chicago City Council.
Alderman La Spata supports an independent commission to draw ward boundaries, but that proposal did not succeed. The new ward boundaries were voted in May 16, 2022, and take effect in 2023.
See this page! Or visit the Chicago Board of Election page for more detail.
More Voting FAQs
Yep, Chicago Municipal Elections were February 28, 2023. The Chicago run-off election is April 4, 2023.
Voters vote for Mayor, city council, and possibly other city positions.The April 4, 2023 run-off election is triggered when any single candidate does not win 50% of the total vote.
Illinois offers same day registration on election day but we encourage you to register before then!
Search to see if you are registered at your current address here.
You must be a United States Citizen.
You must be 17 years old on or before the date of the Primary Election and turn 18 on or before the date of the General or Consolidated Election.
You must live in your election precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
You must not be serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution as a result of a conviction.
You may not claim the right to vote anywhere else.
November 30, 2022 – First day to apply to Vote By Mail for the February 28, 2023 Municipal Election.
January 19, 2023 – First day for Vote By Mail ballots to be mailed to voters.
February 23, 2023 – Last day for the Board to receive new Vote By Mail applications.
February 28, 2023 – Last day for postmark on the Ballot Return Envelope if returning by mail. If a voter decides not to return the Vote By Mail ballot, the voter may submit the Vote By Mail ballot to the judges at the precinct and polling place for that voter's home address, and then cast a ballot in person. If the Vote By Mail ballot was lost or did not arrive, the voter may sign a "cancellation of Vote By Mail ballot affidavit" and cast a provisional ballot, also at the precinct and polling place for that voter's home address.
March 14, 2023 – Last day that a mailed Vote By Mail ballot (postmarked or certified Feb. 28 or earlier) may arrive at the Election Board to be included in the count.
Apply to vote early by mail by submitting this form.
For more details on voting by mail click here.
See a sample ballot for the February 28th, 2023 Chicago Municipal Elections here.